Yugo Dungeon screenshots in-game name, “The Deal and the Demon.”
The Yugoloth are notorious mercenaries, willing to work for the highest bidder. They want your help getting rid of a Demon Lord inside the Demonweb – but can these jackal-headed creatures be trusted as allies? The dungeon introduces the player to the glabrezu, a powerful new type of demon.
Graveyard Dungeon screenshots (in-game name, “The Unquiet Graves”)
Drow necromancers have taken over a once-peaceful graveyard in the King’s Forest. Can you put a stop to their horrific practices? This dungeon introduces the player to the new necromancer game mechanics. You must kill the necromancers first – otherwise they will continue to raise the dead. Of course, if you kill one necromancer, another necromancer can bring him back from the dead as well….