Crashlands 2, the comedic open-world crafting RPG and sequel to Crashlands which has amassed more than 1.8 million downloads, assembles life-long friendships on PC via Steam, iOS, and Android with cross-platform saves on Thursday, April 10, 2025.
Reunite with the friendly (and not-so-friendly) inhabitants of Woanope. Build celestial homes and recover from corporate burnout as interstellar trucker Flux Dabes. Explore three vibrant biomes, each abundant with foes to squash, creatures to befriend, gadgets to acquire, and decorations to display in the galaxy’s comfiest home away from home.
Return to Woanope as Flux Dabes, intergalactic trucker and disgruntled corporate employee. After years away from the planet, you return to visit some old pals and recover from corporate burnout. But before your vacation can even begin, a mysterious blast from the planet's surface sends you crashing onto the planet below.
Venture out into a beautiful living wilderness where alien creatures hunt one another and graze on explosive fungi. Fish up wieldable sea creatures and deploy a huge variety of gadgets, gizmos, traps, and weapons to fend off the dangers of Woaope as you harvest and quest. After a long day of adventuring, build and settle into the comfiest quarters on the planet, filled to the brim with all the pets, friends, and trophies you collect along the way.
But you'll soon find that something's not quite right on Woanope. As the mysteries unfold, you'll need to enlist the help of new friends and allies to get to the bottom of it all. Team up with ancient warrior Grandmammy, become a lab technician for tinkerer Kleewik, sneak into treacherous facilities with the Quadropi of the Fifth Arm, and unite the factions of Woanope to restore balance to the planet!
Crashlands 2 launches on PC via Steam, iOS, and Android on Thursday, April 10, 2025 for $24.99 with English, French, German, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (LATAM), Chinese (Simplified), and Japanese localizations. And players wanting to get in on it early can apply for the pre-launch closed beta!