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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Is the PS3 reaching the end of its life or is it just the beginning of a new gaming dawn?

In this article the author looks forward to the next generation consoles but asks if we've reach the full potential of the current PS3, X360 and Wii offerings? With PC gaming moving to ever higher resolution visuals and frame rates do consoles need to catch up, or do they offer a different future for video games with the PlayStation Move and Xbox Kinect control systems?

I believe we update consoles too often (yes 5 years is too often) - developers can extract more and more from the current hardware as they become more experienced. If you're old enough to remember the humble Sinclair Spectrum with 68k (yes 68K) of memory not even Sinclair could have imagined how much developers could squeeze out of such a tiny memory.

The masters were 'Ultimate Play the Game' with Jet Pak and Knightlore - they later became Rare who managed to get Donkey Kong Country with 3D graphics onto the SNES, another amazing feat.

Anyway make your own mind up after reading  William Ushers view

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