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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Pokémon Black & White teaser site launched! Legendary Pokémon revealed!

New legendary Pokémon
Nintendo have unveiled the two new legendary Pokémon to be available in Pokémon: Black & Pokémon: White with the release of their new teaser site. The game is scheduled for a release in Spring 2011, so keep your eyes peeled for more upcoming news and releases regarding this exciting new title! Find the website listed after the break.
MvC3 banner
Watch out for errant Proton Cannon blasts, Marvel fans, these eight awesome new screenshots from "Marvel vs. Capcom 3" may just blast your face off!

"Marvel vs. Capcom 3" producer Niitsuma-san shared these eight images, along with his personal thoughts on them, with and Enjoy the images below and visit for more on "MvC3," and more from Niitsuma-san.

"The screenshots below aren't all of the ones we have," says Niitsuma-san, "but I included some of my favorites below." Read on for release info and more screenshots!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Angry Birds - how to find all the golden eggs

angry birds video game1 - Getting 3 stars in the first chapter
2 - Getting 3 stars in the second chapter
3 - In the level select screen, tap the sun
4 - Watch the credits, there's one at the end
5 - Within any level, go to the help screen. There's one at the end
6 - Level 1-8, tap the unreachable chest
7 - Level 2-2, break the beach ball
8 - Level 4-7, at the very top right of the map (zoom out)
9 - Level 5-19, it's hiding on the top right of the left tower

Secrets - Red Dead Redemption - Defeating Bad Bessie - cheats

red dead redemption john marstonBefore the mission, select a bought sawn-off shotgun, and a revolver. You will have to kill most of the enemies in the level with the revolver, so it may take some time. Use the "cover" (Square) ability often. After you approach her "cabin" on the left is a big rock, go behind it and stand, Do not use "cover", but face the opening where she runs at you with the shotgun.

Secrets - Red Dead Redemption - Defeating the exploding dynamite Boss - cheats

red dead redemption Irish drunkOn the level with the exploding dynamite Boss, sneak around and hide so that he does not see you. Note: Bongo music will play when he is on your tail. Then, shoot him with the rifle in the back. This surprises him (the game will say "You surprised him!"). Then, power on through with as many shots as possible to get his life down. Repeat the hiding routine, then sneak shot again.

Secrets - Red Dead Redemption - Extra health in Freak Show level - cheats

red dead redemption agent edgar rossAfter completing the Freak Show level, where you fight Professor Perry as Jack Swift, he will be in Brimstone. Keep talking to him and eventually he will sell you a maximum health upgrade.

Secrets - Red Dead Redemption - Extra health in Bar Fight level - cheats

Red dead Redemption bonnie macfarlaneDuring the Bar Brawl, go upstairs in the saloon and talk to the two ladies in the bath. You will get an option to take a bath with them for $1,500, which will increase your maximum health.

Secrets - Red Dead Redemption - Store items already sold - cheats

Red Dead Redemption Marshal leigh johnsonWhen starting a new game, instead of entering a name use the spacebar right to make a blank entry. When you enter this, it starts a character named "Rstar". In some of the stores some items show up as already sold to you. Additionally, when starting a new game, enter "ASSMAN" as a name. Almost everything in the stores will appear as sold.

Secrets - Red Dead Redemption - finding the secret shop - cheats

red dead redemption whore
In the beginning of the level after you play as Shadow Wolf, turn around and go back to the jail cell that you and the Buffalo Soldier were in. You can talk to the skeleton. The shop menu will open, and you can buy a horseshoe and snake oil.

Gameboyuk videos for this week - Mafia II, Angry Birds, Tiger Woods, Trauma Team, Alphs Protocol, F.E.A.R. 2, Two Worlds, Naughty Bear and more...

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