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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga is now available for PlayStation 3 as a PS2 Classic

Only the strongest of the Junkyard Tribes will get to ascend to Nirvana, which is why they've been locked in an endless war, vying for supremacy. Serph, leader of the Embryon tribe, is fighting in a skirmish when a blinding light erupts on the battlefield, disorienting everyone.
Serph awakens to find the opposing army slaughtered and the only remnant is a a young girl with black hair. But this sets into motions a series of events that cause tribe members to start turning into demons, and once the Karma Temple demands the girl be brought to Nirvana at any cost, Serph realizes this young girl may be the key to everything...

The cult RPG Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga is now available for PlayStation 3 as a PS2 Classic. It's up to you to lead the Embryon to Nirvana and protect the girl Sera, but there will be many who stand in your way.

You can find SMT: Digital Devil Saga on the PlayStation Store here:!/en-us/games/shin-megami-tensei-digital-devil-saga/cid=UP9000-NPUD20974_00-0000000000000000

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