You will see insipiration from classics such as:
-Unreal Tournament ('99)
-Quake 2 CTF
-Starsiege: Tribes
We've taken those elements and put them into a blender and mixed in our own unique takes and twists in the design and mechanics department. With only a first glance at ORION: Prelude, you will know that this is a game being made by gamers.
ORION: Prelude is currently targeted for release on STEAM, Xbox Live Araced and Playstation Network.
What is KickStarter?
Kickstarter is a new way to fund creative ideas and ambitious endeavors. (
-A good idea, communicated well, can spread fast and wide.
-A large group of people can be a tremendous source of money and encouragement.
Kickstarter is powered by a unique all-or-nothing funding method where projects must be fully-funded or no money changes hands. This means that we need to at least hit our pledged amount ($10,000) in order to receive any funds. We are of course looking (and crossing our fingers) to blow past that amount, as it is an absolute minimum.