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Friday, May 14, 2010

Bored with Farmville? try FarmVillian video game on Facebook

farmvillian video gameDear Anarchic Farmer,
Tired of all the lonely brown cows wandering onto your profile? Exhausted by the amount of time that virtual farming seems to be taking up in your otherwise cosmopolitan life?

We know exactly how you feel.

Jolt Online Gaming and our friends from have launched FarmVillain, the Facebook app that gives you all the entertaining bits of online farming with absolutely none of the work. Described as “tasteless” (Kotaku) and being so low-brow that “it’s leaving little brow trails on the ground behind them” (Kotaku again), we think we’ve hit the mark perfectly. With almost half a million users already, it seems a few other people do as well.

To amuse yourself and your friends for five minutes hit the link below. Oh, and if you’d like to write, tweet or post this around the Internet, that’d be great as well :)