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Sunday, September 27, 2009

You, Me and the Cubes - Kenji Eno's Nintendo Wii game

game screen with players all over cube sides in spaceAfter being away from the world of game creation for many years, Kenji Eno initially expressed interest in creating something for the Nintendo Wii system back when it was originally unveiled as 'Revolution' due to his love of the Nintendo Wii Remote concept.

After everything going quiet for quite a while, a few months back Kimi to Boku to Rittai hit the Japanese Nintendo WiiWare service under Nintendo's name. However, as it turned out this was a joint venture between the Kyoto Company and Eno's new team, fyto, which has now been released in Europe as You, Me and the Cubes. Clearly being a fan of 'cubes', Cubed3 went first hands-on with the game at Nintendo's recent WiiWare event in London and has now been busy digging deeper into the final release to see just how good the game is...

At its heart many will see You, Me and the Cubes as being akin to Skip Ltd.'s collection of Art Style games on the DSiWare and WiiWare services. However, Kenji Eno-san has been keen to point out that whilst the concept that him and the team at fyto created is quite basic in princple, it has much more depth than Skip's numerous releases.

The game takes place in a mysterious void that has an abundance of cubes floating around, some of which are joined together. Upon those cubes live human-like fellows, named Fallos who love to live in a balanced community...which is where the player steps in.

Source: Cubed 3 read the rest here...