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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Game Tunnel Independent video games of the year: Number 5 - Knytt Stores on PC

Walking through the cavern, I come to a series of water falls, each more majestic and amazing than the last. The vegetation has taken on an alien appearance, rising in long twisting strands that seem to be topped with phosphorescent bulbs. Climbing up the walls and moving down a new corridor I find myself in peaceful underwater surroundings amidst a strangely constructed series of tunnels and paths. The way opens with new vegetation marking yet another change in my location. My surroundings show some signs of life, but a desolation begins to take hold. What are the machines doing to the world?

Knytt Stories is as much art as it is a game. It's beauty in simplicity. Each area is carefully crafted so that it provides a uniqueness that goes far beyond just looking and sounding different. Each area plays differently, taking on its own life and giving one the feeling of truly visiting someplace far from anywhere you have ever been. Knytt Stories is something of a pixel-perfect platforming nirvana, and though the accolades seem at odds with the humble presentation, it's hard not to write a list of superlatives when describing the game. The expandability of allowing others to add their own stories only serves to add to one of this year's most intriguing and enjoyable experiences.

Download Free here...

Source: Game Tunnel