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This is an unofficial patch for Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines by Troika Games. It's a cumulative patch containing all the previous patches and is intended for english retail or Direct2Drive versions!
Applying this patch to a version in another language will work also, but all texts in the game previously appearing in that language will be replaced by the english versions with the exception of the menus.
To install the patch extract this archive into the game folder using options that keep the directory structure intact and overwrite every file of the same name. Removing it is only possible by reinstallion.
This patch fixes many bugs, restores unused content and mods some of the game to improve the consistency of the presented world. It ought to be installed right on top of the Troika Games official patch 1.2.
More basic changes are listed first in the version history, then bug fixes and more. It is recommended to start a new game after patching to avoid odd behaviour. Patching also resets all options to default.
Both editors used for the creation of this patch are included in the vdata directory. Many thanks go to Turvy for VPKTool and RobinHood70 for BSPEdit. Everything else can be done using a normal text editor.
Tips and Tricks:
When using the console, be sure to activate it from the menu only.
To reinstall clean up registry and remove vtmb.ini from /windows.
On start crashings force refresh rate override or use -dxlevel 80.
If you experience stutter on dual core systems turn one core off.
Don't save or leave maps with disciplines active to avoid crashes.
At high Obfuscate levels use attack to stealth kill without fail.
When controls are sticky start the game in Win98 compability mode.
Have four empty inventory slots when taking Imalia's Tawni quest.
If you can't read papers re-bind "use" away from the mousebuttons.
To avoid crashes don't play sounds with the Windows Media Player.
If a container auto-closes right-click the objects to choose them.
Enemy death may open doors and give items, which Trance does not.
Some feed victims stay in Trance so don't bite quest-related ones.
Occasionally Beckett stays in wolf form when meeting him, reload.
Game may crash in cutscenes if you are Obfuscated, so turn it off.
If you experience random attacking bind attack away from "enter".
Rarely your appartment may get full of strange stuff, just reload.
If a cutscene freezes try reload or type frenzyplayer in console.
When getting problems with a history during the tutorial, skip it.
Stuff not fixed:
"Skip intro" and special fonts only work at resolutions > 800x600.
Be aware that on dialogue your character will holster his weapon.
There are invisible blocks at the Theatre, the Museum and Fu Labs.
Gary's posters appear in all havens, Mitnick's emails dissappear.
Dead enemies drop only one weapon, some exit map icons are absent.
"Skip intro" appears after a saved game but does not always work.
Occasionally mailboxes do not receive rewards or objects drop out.
Female and male Gangrel show different stances in the background.
During some cutscenes your character will look and move strangely.
Bodies may dissappear and dead people may re-appear in cutscenes.
Prof. Johansen's christian name is stated to be Ingvar and Anders.
Vandal will not give his freebie if you already got a blue blood.
Same objects in containers and inventory will not show up in both.
Draining rats sometimes triggers melee mode after it is finished.
Game may hang on "wait" cutscene, walk on left side or use sewers.
At Confession third person view zooms in when being on the cross.
Testing out too many histories during selection is prone to crash.
Blood Shield stays on until exhausted or removed, this is no bug.
The news will not always fit as will the inside of some buildings.
Made basic patch install as default and removed overlooked changes.
+Removed crossbow from Sin Bin and fixed Yukie double swords issue.
Included memory and widescreen resolution tools, thanks to Wabbite.
Many Malkavian lines added for blood dools, thanks to RobinHood70.
+Removed humanity for Dementating McFly and tutorial .38 on default.
Swapped Lily cutscene Phil with scrubs and adjusted Vandal's line.
Made it possible to specify which clothes Heather should wear next.
Restored SM haven for traitorous Tremere and fixed sewer shortcut.
Re-did Ginger Swan knowledge fix and warehouse re-entering stopper.
Corrected boss flags for Mercurio, Chastity and Tzimisce Creation.
Fixed Venus' reaction for persuading Boris and Asylum email issues.
Restored newscaster and Cal lines and fixed minor dialogue errors.
Repaired Imalia's quest failure message and new Vandal alternative.
Fixed possible random crashes on exiting Grout's Mansion and Dane.
Corrected hostess not getting elevator and phoning without a phone.
Added inspection to text at Society and a few more missing sounds.