A blockbuster city builder that lives up to its name arrives with a second DLC pack to really ensure a massive experience. More content that you can ever imagine to go with an already amazing base game! Vacation Season DLC is something else.
The ambitious city builder Highrise City just received its second DLC, Vacation Season which is out now on Steam and Good Old Games, price point $9.99.
Highrise City is like Cities Skylines 2 but with a better economy, and the under loved strategy game is about to get bigger with new DLC
A Vacation DLC which deserves its name!
The new Vacation Season DLC offers tons of new content, starting with a whole new economy branch to satisfy a new group of citizens: Demanding tourists who will visit your city to spend their hard earned money on products exclusively designed for them.
Build tourist spots and attractions, open up hotels and set up complex tourist lines with public transport to entertain your visitors. With seven new resources and 17 new buildings and all new mechanics this expansion indeed deserves the name DLC.
But that’s not all!
With the release of the DLC, the Highrise City base game has received a major free content update, introducing new resources and buildings as well. Players are now able to build massive exhibition halls to satisfy the needs of companies and they are also able to create mowing tools as certain developments, such as parks, will need this new service.
Highrise City: Vacation Season is available now on PC Steam and Good Old Games.

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