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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

New Breach Hero Class Arcane Menders joins co-op, RPG dungeon brawler

Not every class in Breach needs to slice and dice enemies to prove their worth in-game – some have a more noble purpose than that. The Arcane Mender class in the upcoming co-op, RPG dungeon brawler from QC Games uses magic to heal teammates and blast enemies. Having an all healing magical being on your team may prove to be just as beneficial as having a Gunslinger on staff.

The Arcane Menders can do more than just provide healing skills: use the Guardian Sprite ability to apply a damage shield to yourself or an ally, and build up your Transcendent Blast ability through successful healing to unleash a powerful magical blast that takes down enemies with an almighty force. Arcane Menders are able to heal themselves or teammates, making them an irreplaceable member of any squad heading into the Breach.
Special Breach pre-order packages are available starting at $24.99 - players now can visit and take advantage of exclusive offers from the various pre-order packs that include Steam Early Access, and unique in-game items like sprays, dance emotes, digital artbook, and much more.

Breach will enter paid Steam Early Access January 2019, with the Free-To-Play full launch coming later 2019. Can’t wait to prep your mission load outs and squad combinations?

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