1. Make sure your PS4 is off
2. Plug the HDMI into the 4K 60hz port on your tv
3. Turn your tv on
4. Hold down the power button on your PS4 until it beeps twice (Safe mode)
5. Change HDCP setting to 1.4 only
6. PS4 will restart and you'll probably still have no signal
7. Turn PS4 off and get back to Safe Mode (step 4)
8. Choose change resolution which will restart PS4
9. If you get an image after PS4 restarts then choose the yuv420 option. Hooray!
10. If you got no signal still after PS4 restarted then go back to safe mode and go back to HDCP and choose automatic
11. (Go) back to safe mode again and choose change resolution and then choose yuv420
If still not working then try the above steps a couple more times