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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

I Am Bread new game screenshots and trailer - PC Mac

The beautiful story of one slice of bread's epic and emotional journey as it embarks upon a quest to become toasted. As you delve deeper and deeper into the story of 'I am Bread', you'll notice that things aren't quite what they seem....


• Embark on an epic journey around The House - you will traverse the wondrous and deadly realms of The Kitchen and The Lounge before confronting the terrifying ordeals of The Bedroom and The Bathroom.
• Almost a hundred items for your bread to interact with, get messy, or toast yourself with.
• A clever, witty story that never really explains exactly why a piece of bread is moving around someone's house!
• 4 levels complete at time of launch, more to follow until the game story is complete.
• Game is in early access, so players have the chance to shape how the future levels will look, and suggest improvements on existing content.

gameboyuk on YouTube over 70 million views #gamezplay