The multi-platform role-playing game (RPG), is being created by a renowned global team stretching from France to Scotland to Tokyo, including well known ex-Final Fantasy developers such as composer Hitoshi Sakimoto and scenario writer Kazushige Nojima, who combined have written, scored many of the most iconic RPGs of all time, including Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy XV and the Kingdom Hearts series. All audio and sound effects are being created by Basiscape who are renowned for their work on RPG’s such as Dragon’s Crown, Muramasa: the Demon Blade and Valkyria Chronicles.
Zodiac blends classic elements from Japanese Role-Playing Games (RPGs) with beautifully 2D hand drawn art, creating a gameplay experience that is as deep and engaging as it is stylish. Zodiac is being developed at Kobojo’s new studio in Dundee, Scotland and is set to be released in 2015.
Kobojo was founded in 2008 as a social game developer, focusing on city builder and casual game genres for the Facebook platform. In 2013, the company transformed – concentrating on creating accessible, artistic and engaging RPG experiences for touch devices. The first game under this new vision, free-to-play multi-platform RPG Mutants: Genetic Gladiators, debuted on Facebook and mobile devices to global success.