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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt DLC Released on Steam - PC

Fellow Hunters! On this ominous Friday the 13th you are invited to enter the dark material of creation and dreams, known as the Ink by many. Legends say it was used to write the world into being at the dawn of time. Face new challenges in Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt, now available on Steam for $4.99, while discovering the four new areas and the secrets they hide:

A gothic town of human refugees, plagued by monsters, haunted by its own reflection where no one can enter, but it's always too close.

Island of Bones
The place where legendary creatures went to die ages ago. Now it's a trap and a prison, where mortals suffer in the hands of the monstrous Collector.

Inkheart Mines
A secret industrial plant in the Ink, the source of a rare mineral and a dangerous infection.

Crystal Bastion
An untainted part of the Ink, ruled by someone or something that was slumbering for a very long time... but now it's awake.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing is an action-RPG trilogy that pits players in fierce battles against familiar supernatural foes and also enables players to partake in tower-defense mini-games to ward off evil that attempt to overrun the base by way of force. Free Demo of the first game in the series is available on Steam.

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