Set in an era called "Universal Century", giant mecha known as Mobile Suits are used to wage war across land, sea,air,and space. Featuring characters and Mobile Suits from the legendary Gundam franchise, DYNASTY WARRIORS: GUNDAM Reborn takes the series to a whole new level of uturistic action with new graphical additions, gameplay features, and scenarios ripped straight from the Gundam universe. Experience the hrill of piloting Mobile Suits and relive famous Gundam scenes in an action-packed thrill ride.
Friday, May 02, 2014
Dynasty Warriors Gundam Reborn Official HD trailer - PS3
Set in an era called "Universal Century", giant mecha known as Mobile Suits are used to wage war across land, sea,air,and space. Featuring characters and Mobile Suits from the legendary Gundam franchise, DYNASTY WARRIORS: GUNDAM Reborn takes the series to a whole new level of uturistic action with new graphical additions, gameplay features, and scenarios ripped straight from the Gundam universe. Experience the hrill of piloting Mobile Suits and relive famous Gundam scenes in an action-packed thrill ride.