The first movie, A FAREWELL TO WEAPONS, is directed by Hajime Katoki and takes place in Tokyo, in the near future. A five-person platoon visits the ruined city, in the middle of the desert; this leads them to fall into a battle with a single unmanned tank! One by one, all routes of escape are blocked...
Scheduled for spring 2014 in Europe and Australasia, SHORT PEACE: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day will offer to the players an amazingly deep cross-platform experience: four Animated Short Movies and a crazy fast-paced game!
Along with the movies, Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day (exclusively on PlayStation®3) will be coming out. The game directed by Suda51 will be following the life of Ranko Tsukigime, a slightly arrogant high school girl living alone, who becomes a deadly hitman at night to coldly assassinate her targets. Everything gets turned upside down when a demonic enemy organisation starts threatening the lives of Ranko and her friends...
SHORT PEACE: Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day is scheduled to launch in Europe and Australasia in spring 2014 for the PlayStation 3 system.