A new community-led client update has just been released for Stronghold Kingdoms, one of the top ten most popular free to play games on Steam. A quick overview of some of the new features can be found here:
- New Strategy Cards – A new set of strategy cards have been introduced affecting different areas of gameplay including farming, religion and combat. Attainable by free players through the Veteran Level free cards system and by paying players through the game’s selection of various card packs, all players will have access to this new content.
- Player Targeting – The Lords and Ladies of Stronghold Kingdoms can now send letters in-game marking other players, villages and parishes, something that can be used for good or evil. Have a sworn enemy? Mark them for death! Want to protect a particular village or parish? Team up with your Liege Lord and send reinforcements! Whatever your purpose, the new player targeting system will hasten your plans, nefarious or otherwise.
- Gameplay Features – Firefly have also added a number of new features requested by players over the past few months. These include the ability to keep a record of diplomatic relations with other players with the new notes system, in case you forget exactly why you’re at war! Also added this month is a quick replay button for cards, several UI tweaks and more.
Almost two years after launch Kingdoms remains one of the most popular free to play games on Steam. With nearly 3 million registered players from over 100 different countries, Kingdoms regularly has more active players on Steam than other MMOs from heavyweight IPs such as EVE Online and Marvel Heroes. Firefly has promised to continue supporting the game throughout 2014, with monthly updates based on community feedback found in the forums, on Facebook and Twitter.