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Thursday, January 09, 2014

Deck pack number 3 for Magic 2014

Wizards of the Coast releases the third Deck Pack expansion for Magic 2014 – Duels of the Planeswalkers on Playstation Network, Xbox LIVE Arcade, Steam (PC), Android, and iPad.* The Deck Pack features two completely new decks – Warsmith & Hunting Season.

And here is what each new deck has to offer:
Warsmith: In the red and white “Warsmith” deck, the mere presence of your artifacts on the battlefield will bolster your unstoppable forces and empower your spells. Forge your army, and march to war!
Hunting Season: With the green “Hunting Season” deck, the creatures at your command will become unnaturally large, and if that should prove insufficient to crush your enemy, make more creatures. Call the hunt!
Just like the previous two Deck Packs Warsmith and Hunting Season come with foil conversions. Please let me know if you have any questions.

*Launch timing may vary by platform and region

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