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Sunday, December 01, 2013

Stalin vs Martians 3 video game on Kickstarter

Stalin vs. Martians 3 aims to provide you a larger-than-life, bigger-than-the-Death-Star experience. While the core gameplay can be described as "Battletech meets Desert Strike meets Cannon Fodder meets your mom", it is not really about the core gameplay. It is about the whole package. You have main missions and a crazy storyline. Then you have videos. And demented mini-games. And wild music. It is the sum of all parts that matters. A perfect guilty pleasure. A kitsch gaming icon. Nothing compares to Stalin vs. Martians.

One of the most shocking thing about Stalin vs. Martians 3 is that developers are planning to introduce a decent gameplay. Like, you know, the game actually will be fun to play - not only to observe. Check the Kickstarter page for more information on this incredible innovative feature. And other features as well.

One of the main intentions with Stalin vs. Martians 3 - apart from redefining the word "weird" - is to make it a truly "people's game".We're trying to be realistic with the budget estimations, but we wish to expand the game as much is possible. That's why the Stretch Goals are super-important here. The bigger the budgets, the more disturbing video intermissions we'll be able to implement. The more music will be able to write and license. And it is also a direct way to vote for mini-games. And mini-games are mostly about grabbing a casual genre and taking it on a trip to Gulag. You gonna love this: Cut the Stalin, Angry Stalin, Run Stalin Run, Candy Crush Stalin, Stalin's Dine & Dash, Super Stalin Bros. and Stalin’s Dance Revolution.

Stretch Goals also include mockumentary, a feature film about game development and the meaning of live, and Stalin vs. Martians: FMV shooter. And we're really serious about that, we really mean it.

Rewards? We believe that rewards are quite awesome. Apart from great collector's items, you also can design enemy units and Stalin's vehicles. But the most important thing here is your support. Currently no publisher will develop or release an honest Troma-style kitschy exploitation game. Only we-the-people can do this.

Now on Kickstarter! So check the link and watch the video:

If the Kickstarter campaign is successful, all of the backers will immediately get a free copy of the original Stalin vs. Martians game.

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