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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Call of Duty Ghosts Extinction Day double XP details

Fans around the world to fight off alien swarms on Extinction Day, a global community event in Call of Duty: Ghosts. In addition to community gameplay live streams, Extinction Day will feature an exclusive live broadcast from Infinity Ward, including behind-the-scenes Q&As with the developers and an first official look at new features coming soon to Extinction.

Extinction Day will also kick off the first ever Extinction Double XP Weekend, where players can earn twice the XP on all of their Extinction play.

Here is the schedule of the day’s events:

- 18:00 Extinction Double XP | All platforms worldwide
- 19:00 - 20:30 UK Community Livestream
- 20:30: IGN LIVE from Infinity Ward Broadcast

Tune in at and join the Extinction Day chat on Twitter by using #ExtinctionDay

We hope you'll participate in all the festivities on Extinction Day and Extinction Double XP Weekend!

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