Max Payne 3: The Complete Series, the three-part original Max Payne comic series that delves into Max's tragic past and ties together the events of all three games, is now available as a special collectible hardcover graphic novel from Titan Books. You can order it now at the Rockstar Warehouse. It's also available from Amazon (UK or US), Barnes & Noble and at comic shops everywhere.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Max Payne 3: The Complete Series Graphic Novel
Max Payne 3: The Complete Series, the three-part original Max Payne comic series that delves into Max's tragic past and ties together the events of all three games, is now available as a special collectible hardcover graphic novel from Titan Books. You can order it now at the Rockstar Warehouse. It's also available from Amazon (UK or US), Barnes & Noble and at comic shops everywhere.