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Monday, July 29, 2013

Looksi Pups - The world's first 3D interactive iPhone pet

THERE’S a new top dog in the world of children’s games — Looksi Pups transforms your digital
puppy into a physical puppy with the revolutionary 3D Looksi Kennel.
Looksi Pups is the world’s FIRST interactive 3D pet!

Elliott Myers, boss of Escapetech, who also created the award winning Gametrak controller says:
“Gaming consumers have been migrating from the traditional console to the mobile format for
some time. The installed base of mobile devices is already significantly larger than that of
traditional consoles – and most people, especially kids, play games on these devices.”

“Looksi Pups uniquely offers traditional games retailers the opportunity to participate in the mobile
games space, thanks to the physical Looksi Kennel. We would love games retail to get behind our
launch product because first and foremost, Looksi Pups is a great game.“

Looksi Pups - features from Looksi Pups on Vimeo.

The voice-activated virtual puppy does EVERYTHING a real dog does, thanks to an innovative
FREE iPhone app and specially designed Looksi Kennel.

Looksi pups Kickstarter Video from Looksi Pups on Vimeo.

Just pop your iPhone into the Looksi Kennel and Looksi Pups comes to life in amazingly lifelike
3D, tail wagging and ready to play.

The cute pup follows commands and plays games with his owner, who can also feed and train
him. He’s unlike ANY other pet — and is the perfect companion for children aged 4 to 12.

gameboyuk on YouTube over 61 million views