Square Enix nnounced that a brand new video, entitled “A Tour of Eorzea, Part 3” is now available for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn. The video is the third part in a series of videos released showcasing some of the most breath-taking areas and environments that make up the realm of Eorzea.
Additionally to this new video, starting timing for the fourth weekend of Beta phase 3 has been announced, and is as follows:
Friday July 5th, 10:00am UK time / 11:00am CET. (End time for this Beta 3 weekend is still TBC)
Beta phase 3 is running across weekends through June and into July, and brings to life a huge FINAL FANTASY world, full of Moogles, Chocobos and the deep, engrossing storylines that players have come to expect from the series. Those who haven’t signed up for the beta test yet can do so here.
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn is scheduled for release on August 27th 2013, for both the PlayStation 3 and Windows PC systems, and will be coming to the PlayStation 4 in 2014.