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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Dead or Alive 5 Plus Cross-Platform Info Released - PS3 PS Vita

Team NINJA previously announced that its upcoming Dead or Alive 5 Plus for PlayStation Vita will feature cross-platform matches, shared saved data and in-game purchases, has revealed this process and functionality in more detail.
As the videogame’s launch approaches, the developer is finalising its strategy to give players a seamless Dead or Alive 5 experience across console and handheld platforms while delivering maximum value.

Dead or Alive 5 Plus brings the signature Dead or Alive fighting style to PlayStation Vita with all-new system-specific features complementing the stunning graphics and new martial arts techniques of the recent console release. Dead or Alive 5 Plus will launch on 22nd March 2013, exclusively on PlayStation Vita. The new details regarding the cross-platform element of the videogame follow below, verbatim from publisher Tecmo Koei Europe, and Electronic Theatre will keep you updated with all the latest details on the Dead or Alive videogame franchise.


- Hardware icons will appear next to player names in cross-platform battles to indicate whether they are playing on PS3 or PS Vita

- Cross-platform battles will run at 60fps on both platforms so there will be no lag or slowdown even when playing on different devices

- All characters that have been unlocked on PS3 can be used on PS Vita—and vice versa

- In-game rankings will show whether players are on PS Vita or PS3


- Using the PS Store, DLC purchases will be shared across both platforms so players can pay a single price while getting dual platform use

- Over 100 costumes have been delivered to date as DLC, and the cross-platform transfer allows players to preserve their collection while getting new gameplay options with DEAD OR ALIVE 5 PLUS on PS Vita


- Saved games on PS Vita or PS3 can be used on the other platform, so gamers can play on the go and then bring their progress back to the console (or vice versa)

- All unlocked content on one platform is available on the other platform; for instance, Tina’s Legend Swimsuit earned by completing Legend mode in Arcade mode without continuing will be available on PS3 if earned on PS Vita

- “Any new stages for DOA5 on PS3, will also be available on DEAD OR ALIVE 5 PLUS for PS Vita”

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