Anywho, where was I? Oh yeah, ME, and my game DEADPOOL! With some cashola I ‘borrowed’ (ha!!! right…‘borrowed’) from Activision Publishing and some of the big cheeses (mmmmm…cheese) from Marvel Entertainment, my DEADPOOL game will feature all of my favorite things – katanas (check), big guns (and not just these amazing arm muscles) (check), crazy poop-your-pants action (check), hot chicks (check), maybe some of my X-MEN friends (well, depending on what they’re wearing), burritos, bouncy houses and of course ME!!! (check)(check) And check!
And now, a quote from me about my game:
"I, DEADPOOL, ‘hired’ Peter Della Penna and his physically embarrassing team at High Moon Studios for two reasons. First, because of their close proximity to Mexico so I can get fresh, authentic chimichangas delivered daily,” said DEADPOOL, newly self-appointed Head of High Moon Studios, and Supreme Commander of PR, Marketing, Legal, and just about everything I want to be in charge of at Activision Publishing, Inc. “Second, if High Moon can make an amazing game about big transforming robots look cool, then they can surely make me look amazing in a third-person action video game, from all angles (seriously Peter…my bottom is my good side, so don’t screw this up).”
And now, a quote from that other guy at High Moon Studios:
“We weren’t actually planning on making a DEADPOOL game,” said Peter Della Penna, formerly Head of High Moon Studios and now second in command. “But,
DEADPOOL came by the studio one day, said he was taking over, and that if I didn’t h ir e Marve l writer Daniel Way p ronto and m ak e the most amazing DEADPOOL video game, he’d break both of our arms and beat us to death with them. I have kids, so we’re making the game.”