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Sunday, January 06, 2013

Dead Island GOTY Hints Tips Cheats and more - PS3 X360

Lure zombies towards doors you can open and close when they get close, they need to be close or they'll walk away.
Just before they get to you close, the door from the inside they will still be in reach of kicks but they cannot harm you.
Use this to break down a horde before continuing your task.

You gain one skill point for every level. Spend your first on the fury tree unlocking your character’s special attack.

A hit to the head causes more damage than hitting a zombie's leg.

Tugs have a might punch so make sure you have a sharp weapon and cut off their arms! You can then punch they and achieve the 'Tae Kwon Leap' Trophy. If you cut of 100 limbs you'll receive the 'Tis but a flesh wound!' trophy.


Use nailed bats for Infected
Use wrenches or heavy blunt weapons for Walkers
Use Blades for Thugs (at least until you take their arms off).
Use kicking when they’re down! Kicking fallen zombies is a great way to reduce weapon degradation.

Remember restoring a completely destroyed weapon is a lot more expensive than maintaining it so keep your best weapons in good shape.

Another way to break down a group of zombies is to climb on a rock and just kick them when they get in range. Jump on the hood of the car, and the zombies can't touch you

A great way to complete a task if you have a vehicle, like the fuel station tasks, is to drive round, running over the zombies, particularly the punchers who are difficult to kill.
Just stay in the car or trunk and run over them again and again until they don't get up.

The thugs tend to appear where you'll find energy drinks machines, so keep an eye on your health and use the machine to top-up you health.

In the fuel stations the zombies can be lured towards you from the front door but as soon as you cross the doorway they walk away. This can be used to strike and retreat then repeat until they are removed.

The thugs will also only follow you so far so keep out of range run and assault then retreat and repeat.

Kick zombie into water, like the pool as it drains their health when they go under. You can also use the kick them off roofs as they cannot climb back.

I find that confined spaces like the fenced paths and corridors are great for attacks as the zombies are confined and won't be able to attack on all sides.

Trade items for extra cash

Canned food

they can all be traded for more lovely lolly and they reappear after time so re visit areas that have many items.

It's a good idea to invest in diamonds as you won't lose them when you die.

Listen - Yes, just listen if zombies are near you'll hear them - simple. Plus kick bodies you see lying around as zombies play dead! If they're not then you've got the first blow in.

In the jungle you'll find restore item in front of stone idols left as offerings - take note where they are as they're invaluable in a tight spot.


Suicider - From a distance throw 1-2 weapons and they will explode killing all near zombies then recover your weapon.

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