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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Akaneiro: Demon Hunters Open Beta Extension to January 22nd - PC

Just to let you know that the Spicy Horse team has decided to extend the Akaneiro: Demon Hunters Open Beta to January 22nd.

They've done this for several reasons:
  • To work out important gameplay things like balancing before launch
  • Because with the Kickstarter running, they think it makes sense to show the game is playable and a lot of fun.
  • And with the Greenlight acceptance, they know there's a whole new audience that'll be interested in taking a look at the game once it's available on Steam.
  • This also means you can take a look at the game through the 22nd. I played some of it yesterday--PR person playing games, terrifying - and it's pretty stable and a lot of fun. It also looks fantastic, so if you're taking video or streaming (or interested in it), now is a good time! You've never died to so many wolves. Wolves. Wolves everywhere.

If you want to hop in and check it out, sign up at and then bug me to get you in.

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