The official story trailer for "The Last of Us" that originally aired on the 2012 Spike Video Game Awards has been widely released this week. The modern survival-horror/action title from Naughty Dog has started pre-orders from GameStop, with a beefy bonus pack.
The "Survival Pack" includes bonus multiplayer XP, a multiplayer melee attack boost, extra in-game cash, multiplayer customization extras, and bonus skins for Joel and Ellie once the campaign's been beaten once.
This is a genre-defining gaming experience that blends survival and action elements to tell a character-driven story about a population decimated by a modern plague. Cities are abandoned and being reclaimed by nature. Remaining survivors are fending for food, weapons, and whatever they can find. Joel, a ruthless survivor, and Ellie, a young teenage girl who's braver and wiser beyond her years, must work together to survive their journey across what remains of the United States.
"The Last of Us" game is being made exclusively for Sony's PS3 system and is scheduled to hit stores May 7th, 2013 with pre-order bonus details available now.