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Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Fire, Brimstone, and Bunnies: Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is available for download on the PlayStation Network and on Steam and Xbox LIVE Arcade for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system. Ash, the diabolic “hero” of Hell Yeah, will also unleash his wrath on unsuspecting gamers in Europe tomorrow, on October 3.

As the undead rabbit prince of Hell, players will jump, jet, drill, and shoot their way through ten huge, varied locales on a mission to take revenge against the inhabitants of the underworld that saw Ash’s illicit photos on the Helternet. There’s only one way to ensure no one ever laughs at Ash again, and that solution is over-the-top, comically-gory levels of hellion on hellion violence!

Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is priced at $14.99 / 1200MSP / £9.99 / €12.99 / AUD$19.95.

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