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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Beyond: Two Souls Official Extended HD Game Trailer - PS3

Beyond: Two Souls is an upcoming video game for the PlayStation 3 console, under development by Quantic Dream. David Cage of Quantic Dream, announced the title at Sony's press conference during the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012.

Jodie Holmes, the main character, will be portrayed by Ellen Page via motion capture. A debut trailer featuring in-game graphics was released during the press conference. Like the previous game from Quantic Dream Heavy Rain, the game supports the PlayStation Move technology. Page noted the script for the game is around 2000 pages long.

The game is centered around questions about what happens after death. The game lets the player take Jodie Holmes through 15 years of her life on a journey to discover what is the true meaning of the entity alongside her throughout the story. The game's producer noted that players might be able to find out "what lies beyond" after playing the game. The game features a dark graphical style, in the vein of Heavy Rain.
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