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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

“SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance” Brings Co-Op Twin-Stick Space Shooting to Xbox 360

The Sci-Fi Twin-Stick Shooter from Brain Shape Games and Co-Optimus Creator Nick Puleo Is Ready to Download!

“SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance”, is now available on the Xbox 360 console. Available on the Xbox Indie Games channel on the Xbox Live Marketplace for just 240 Microsoft Points, “SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance” comes packed with an original story spanning 36 missions, as well as 9 survival missions, 4 ship classes, dozens of ship upgrades, and plenty of couch co-op action for up to 4 players. Players will battle hundreds of on-screen enemies as they span the universe. “Blue Shield Alliance” features a dynamic musical score created by Sean Beeson, composer for “Assault Heroes 2” and an upcoming AAA Nintendo DS title.

“I wanted to create a game that was both fun and challenging. I wanted something that had that old-school feel but looked like a modern game too, “ said Nick Puleo, Co-Founder of Brain Shape Games. “’SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance’ takes its inspiration from the likes of Smash T.V., Geometry Wars, and even some gameplay elements of RPGs to make it feel deeper than your average twin-stick shooter.”

“SCHAR: Blue Shield Alliance” tells the story of mankind’s battle against the Constituents of Nothing (CoNs). After humans began to travel the universe, they encountered this devastating alien race, and are now forced to protect their settlements by powering the shield generators that guard each planet. Players must work together to complete various mission objectives in this epic struggle for survival.

A PC version is set to be released via digital distribution in August.

To download the game please visit:

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