The Sims franchise, the groundbreaking game series that allows players to create and live a virtual, simulated life on a variety of gaming platforms, celebrated its 10-year anniversary in 2010 and has sold more than 150 million units since its launch in February 2000.
Now translated into 20 different languages and available in 60 different countries, The Sims series has quickly become a universal gaming and cultural phenomenon. Since its June 2009 launch, The Sims 3 has sold more than 10 million copies worldwide across multiple platforms and was the No1 best-selling PC title for 2009 in North America and Europe.
Fan intensity is evidenced through more than 350 million downloads of player-created content including: The Sims characters, houses, stories and more. The Sims 3 community site,, welcomes more than five million unique visitors monthly, handles more than 100 content downloads every minute and more than 5 million uploads to date. In addition, The Sims has a broad range of social and community channels reaching more than 30 million fans.