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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mass Effect 3 - Free Rebellion DLC HD game trailer - PC PS3 X360

The Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack adds two brand-new maps, a new team objective and a new equipment slot to the game's critically-acclaimed cooperative experience.
The Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack will also introduce new unlockable characters, including the Vorcha, ex-Cerberus operatives and Male Quarians. Also available are all new weapons and items that can be obtained through reinforcement packs in the game's multiplayer store.

The Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack includes the following content:

  • Two New Action-Packed Maps - Land on Firebase Jade, located in a Salarian STG base on Sur'Kesh and fight to control Firebase Goddess on the Asari homeworld of Thessia.
  • Six Powerful New Unlockable Characters - Level and promote six new unlockable characters, including the ex-Cerberus Adept and Vanguard, the Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel or the Male Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator.
  • New In-Mission Objective - Randomly occurring during waves 3, 6 and 10, this new objective will demand that teams retrieve a high priority package and securely escort it to a designated extraction zone on each map
  • New Gear Slot - A new slot will be available on the equipment screen, offering players a persistent gameplay bonus that will not expire after the end of a match. These new items will vary from weapon upgrades to character enhancements and will be available through reinforcement packs.
  • Lethal New Weapons - Eliminate the enemy with deadly new weapons, including the Cerberus Harrier, Krysae Sniper Rifle, and Reegar Carbine.

As part of the Mass Effect 3 Galaxy at War system, success in the cooperative multiplayer experience in Mass Effect 3 links back to the player's single-player campaign, helping Commander Shepard rally the forces of the galaxy to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all. Multiplayer puts players in the role of a team of elite Special Forces soldiers sent to protect resources and assets that can help the greater war effort.

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