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Thursday, February 02, 2012

Wakfu client download and game information - PC Mac Linux

Ankama has announced its advance subscription deals for the online game WAKFU, including exclusive gifts and reduced prices. The studio has also released details of the different in-game functions available to subscribers and non-subscribers.

In preparation for the release of their online game, WAKFU, on the 29thFebruary, Ankama has chosen a freemium business model which combines the free-to-play model with the subscription model. The free version of the game will include full access to Incarnam and the Island of Astrub (the game’s two starting zones), as well as the opportunity to explore the rest of the world in its entirety. To read more about the differences between the free version and the paid version, please visit the official website

Advance subscriptions to the game will be available at a reduced price until the 28thFebruary and will begin automatically on the 29thFebruary.

Each of the three deals includes:
- A pet
- A Candy token (that temporarily boosts a characteristic)
- Several pieces of equipment selected at random from 5 elemental sets (Fire, Air, Earth, Water and Multi-elemental)
- Exclusive elements of the “WAKFU Pioneer” pack (title, set, flag, emote)

For full details of the three deals (€15/$15/£12.5 for 3 months, €28/$28/£24 for 6 months, and €52/$52/£45 for 1 year), please consult the following page:

Don’t forget – the regular price of a one-month subscription is €6/$6/£5. Aesthetic items (items which do not grant an in-game bonus) will also be available to purchase once the game has been released.

In addition, Ankama announced that pets can also be obtained as a reward from the achievements or as a rare drop. Each pet brings a bonus to its player, which is determined by the pet itself, its level, and the type of food that players feed. All pets can be customized and the way players take care of it will influence its health. Further information can be found here

WAKFU is available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

The game client can be downloaded here:

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