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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Upcoming Nintendo 3DS title The Hidden

The Hidden is a great example of exciting content mixed with compelling technological innovation on the Nintendo 3DS. This immersive experience leverages many key features of the new system- including the camera, gyroscope and Wi-Fi capability-to deliver a rich 3D adventure with multiple layers.

As a member of the elite G.E.I.S.T. squad, Ghostly Entity Investigation and Strike Team, you must work with your team to track, capture, shoot and eliminate evil spirits, including fast-moving Kamikazes and Tanks, solid phantoms armed with claws.

Explore different real-world locations to find and destroy new ghosts. Battle and defeat powerful entities using a full arsenal of high tech tools and upgradeable weapons, including the Plasmatic Disruptor, Ectoplasm Sensor and Spectral Shield. Navigate through tunnels to access a hidden dimension and collect power-ups to fight off dangerous threats.

You will also use the Circle Pad and Nintendo 3DS gyroscope control to shoot and destroy ghosts, while keeping a log of your otherworldly discoveries made at previously visited places using the Location History feature.

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