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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

MDK 2 HD: Max Doc Kurt Action video game trailer download today - PC

MDK2 HD follows the antics of loveable janitor Kurt Hectic, mad-scientist-type Doc Hawkins and the gun-toting, six-legged, potty-trained mechanical dog, Max, as they attempt to thwart yet another alien invasion of Earth. Players experience unique gameplay as each of the three characters, progressing through 10 wildly varied levels in this galaxy and beyond!

Gaming classic MDK2 returns today in an awesomely overhauled, high-definition version designed for modern computers. Interplay Entertainment Corp. and Overhaul Games are pleased to announce the official launch of MDK2 HD exclusively on MDK2 HD features an overhaul of all game visuals, as well as tweaks to gameplay and enhanced audio, all for just $14.99. Get it at

MDK2 HD follows the antics of loveable janitor Kurt Hectic, mad-scientist-type Doc Hawkins and the gun-toting, six-legged, potty-trained mechanical dog, Max, as they attempt to thwart yet another alien invasion of Earth. Players experience unique gameplay as each of the three characters, progressing through 10 wildly varied levels in this galaxy and beyond!

Bringing MDK2 HD to life involved BioWare veterans like Trent Oster, Cameron Tofer, Russ Rice and Sean Smailes, all of whom were heavily involved in the development of the original MDK2.

"We think MDK2 is a classic, one of those touchstone games that everyone should play, said Trent Oster, President at Overhaul Games. "Bringing the visuals up to modern standards and making sure it'll run on modern hardware is going to let fans enjoy the game in a whole new way."

"Getting the band back together to work on MDK2 again was an awesome experience," said Cameron Tofer, COO at Overhaul Games. "MDK2 HD's graphics overhaul means the game looks great, and I think the humor and gameplay stand up well enough that we're going to find a whole new audience of MDK2 fans that didn't get to experience the game the first time."

Developers involved in this zombie-like resurrection include a veritable cornucopia of BioWare veterans like Trent Oster, Cameron Tofer, Russ Rice and Sean Smailes, who were all heavily involved in the development of the original. Not content to just pump out an updated port, the team is also looking to fans of the original for a bit of feedback.

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