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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

deviantART 'Gears of War 3' fan art contest winners

1 Bring It Aeonsend

deviantART member ~Aeonsend, creator of the grand prize-winning entry, “Bring It,” is receiving $10,000 (USD), a Gears of War 3 Limited Edition Xbox 360 Console and deviantART rewards for a stunning depiction of Marcus Fenix silhouetted by a bolt of lightning.

Second place goes to “Passage to Hell” by ~wwudesign, who is receiving $1,000, an Xbox 360 4GB Console, “Gears of War 3” and deviantART swag for his wallpaper featuring COG soldiers against a daunting snow-drenched mountain vista.

Third places goes to “Final Stand” by ~JerMohler and ~Kapow2003, who are taking home $750, an Xbox 360 4GB Console, “Gears of War 3” and deviantART prizes for their composition of a battle scene with a Cleaver-wielding Anya in the foreground.

Everyone else in the top 100 are set to receive $200 and a copy of “Gears of War 3.”

2 Passage to Hell

3 Final Stand

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