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Wednesday, January 05, 2011

GeoHot's latest discovery: Reveals PS3 'root key' to allow custom/pirated software

Sony PlayStation 3 console
George "GeoHot" Hotz, a hacker renowned for cracking the Apple iPhone, has just announced his finding and public release of the root key used by Sony's PlayStation 3 console. The root key was in-place to verify the authenticity of software being run on the PS3, in order to counter-act the use of pirated/homebrew software on the console.

However, with this release, should the root key be correctly applied, it would mean that any software could be played on the PlayStation 3, including modified versions of original content or entirely new games altogether.

Whilst this may seem like great news to many, having tried to break into the console's security for over 4 years, it's also dangerous due to the likelihood that hackers could access PlayStation Network and expose software with malicious intent, for personal gain or amusement. As of yet, there has been no announcement as to whether or not this can be amended, and so far there has been no word from Sony on the matter.

To read more about the discovery, check out the original statement from GeoHot over at his website:

Posted February 2011 on gamezplay...

PlayStation 3 firmware update 3.56 may hold backdoor access to your PS3 console. Attempt to stop 'root key' hack. - PS3

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