You begin by setting up a dating profile for yourself and pick the attributes you find most attractive about a virtual girl partner. Our matching system generates the best 3 matches based on your preferences and you pick one to begin your journey with.
After a brief introduction, you begin your new virtual relationship with the ultimate goal of winning her over. This is accomplished by your interactivity with her. Responding to her dialog with emotes or choosing an action or activity.
There is also a touch mechanism that allows you to interact with her through touch. She'll react differently depending on her mood and the area of touch.
Since each virtual girl is unique in personality, it is up for you to decide the best actions to take with her, different things appeal to different women, and just like in real life- you either gain or lose points depending on what you do.
It's easy to identify if she is happy or sad, because as her mood changes, she will display it visually and it will be apparant in her attitude and dialog as well. So keeping her happy is the idea. However, If you just can't seem to work things out- She will leave you and at that point you can just go right back to the dating screen and find a new one.
- Customize your girl with our unique dating profiler. It allows you to specify the physical and mental characteristics.
- Our virtual girl generator creates unique girls every time you play- allowing for combinations of literally thousands of beautiful, 3d women to choose from.
- Each girl is unique, and hasher own personalitiy that aligns with her lifestyle.
- The gameplay becomes more entertaining the higher you get. Each time you gain a level - new actions and activities open up and the dialog from her becomes more interesting.
- There are several different ways to interact with you’re virtual girlfriend : Respond to her with Expressive Emotes, Take Actions, Do Activities together and she even responds to your Touch !
- Full 3d environments allows for easy camera control, Zoom in, out, and rotate around your virtual girlfriend.