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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Microsoft launch X360 KINECT controller free gaming in the UK

Today see the launch of Microsoft's Kinect, controller free, hardware for their flagship Xbox 360 console. This follows Sony launch of their Move controller system earlier, both trying to cash in on Nintendo's Wii dominance of the tracking control gaming market. Where both Sony and Nintendo require a controller Kinect uses a players movement to control onscreen actions.

Kinect has come in for some criticism from testers ahead of the official launch for it's 'lag' when playing games. Microsoft hope to have ironed out the delays for the launch today.

It's taken a few years to evolve from 'Project Natal' to Kinect and Microsoft are hoping this latest launch will capture new markets for the Xbox 360 console that has struggle against the Wii and PS3.

Kinect will cost £130 in the UK.

Kinect was launched in North America on November 4, 2010. Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore on November 18, 2010 and Japan on November 20, 2010. Options for the sensor peripheral will include a bundle with the game Kinect Adventures and console bundles with either a 4 GB or 250 GB Xbox 360 console and Kinect Adventures.