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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, the sequel to the Xbox Live and PSN hit

With the upcoming release of Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, the sequel to the Xbox Live and PSN hit, Bionic Commando Rearmed, we’re releasing some new assets revealing one of the big bosses, the Megacopter. A hulking, flying contraption, Nathan “Rad” Spencer must swing, jump and shoot to take down this monstrosity. Head on over to for more information and to see watch Nathan “Rad” Spencer as he takes on the Megacopter.

In addition to all new content such as a brand new arsenal of weapons, bionic arm upgrades, and Spencer’s newfound ability to jump, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 also comes packed with something extra for the old-school Bionic Commando fans. An unlockable “Retro Mode” will allow you to play through the campaign in the original Bionic Commando style, without the ability to jump. Relying only on Spencer’s bionic arm, this will test even the most hardcore players as they’ll be forced to find new inventive ways to use to clear the levels and challenges that await them.

Nathan “Rad” Spencer is nothing without the team that supports him. For a preview of the events happening on the island of Papagaya and the key players in the battle between the TASC Force and General Sabio’s army check out these character bios on Capcom Unity.