Additionally, the pack contains a compatibility update that allows players to see other people that are using DLC-exclusive characters from Red Dead Revolver and Red Dead Redemption. This will allow those that have not downloaded the Liars and Cheats Pack and/or the Legends & Killers Pack that ability to play with players that have.
The Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack features two new outfits, the Savvy Merchant and the Expert Hunter, along with their associated challenges, plus the new elusive Jackalope animal that's been added to the frontier. Additionally, the pack contains a compatibility update that allows players who do not have the Liars and Cheats Pack and/or the Legends & Killers Pack the ability to see other players that do who are playing as characters from Red Dead Revolver or the Red Dead Redemption single player story.
Once you've registered for a PlayStation Network account you can then scroll to the PlayStation Network icon on your XMB and select PlayStation Store. The Red Dead Redemption Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack is available from the Add-On section.
Simply go to Xbox LIVE Marketplace with your connected Xbox 360 console and select the Red Dead Redemption Hunting and Trading Outfits Pack from the Game Add-ons section of Marketplace. Alternatively, you can download the DLC from the Xbox LIVE Marketplace website and have it ready and waiting for you the next time you go online with your Xbox 360 (requires Xbox LIVE Gold Membership for online play).