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Monday, October 04, 2010

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Facebook app launched, video game out in the US tomorrow

A new Facebook application that will entice both Castlevania and Facebook fans alike. The Castlevania: Lords of Shadows Challenge is an exciting companion to the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow console game, expanding the realm of Castlevania to the social sphere by allowing users to battle their Facebook friends, unlock special Castlevania content, and build the ultimate viral army of good or evil.
About the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Challenge

Good or Evil? Human or Creature? Brotherhood of Light or Lords of Shadow? The choice is yours when you create your own virtual legion with the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Challenge.

A Facebook exclusive, the Challenge brings the bite of Castlevania to the social scene. Introduced to celebrate the October 5 launch of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, the Challenge allows fans to choose, construct, and contest their own virtual army of Castlevania combatants. Swear your allegiance to the ethereal God Mask of the Brotherhood of Light, or the sinister Devil Mask of the Lords of Shadow.

Once your path is chosen, the battle begins. Fight alongside friends—or turn against them—within an interactive Castlevania arena. Inflict damage, taunt opponents, gain experience points, and unlock Castlevania: Lords of Shadow screenshots, videos, and items. Need more bodies to turn the tide of war? Go viral and recruit new friends to join your army. Want to measure your strength against all others? Compete for the top spot in the leaderboard rankings.
Developed in house by KONAMI, the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Challenge features authentic assets from the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow console game, a built-in save system to record user progress, and a modular, Flash-based, PHP SDK design framework.

Available now at, the Challenge provides Castlevania, KONAMI, and first-time fans alike with an addictive Facebook experience you’ll want to share with your friends—to enlist them as allies, or hunt them as fiends.

Brotherhood of Light or Lords of Shadow?

Make your choice today.

About the Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Console Game

Developed by Madrid-based Mercury Steam in collaboration with KONAMI’s legendary Kojima Productions studio, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is a groundbreaking title that mixes stunning combat elements with a fully interactive 3D realm. In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow gamers play as Gabriel Belmont, voiced by Robert Carlyle, the hero of the game and part of the legendary Belmont clan from Castlevania lore.

While in-human creatures of the night wreak havoc on the land, the soles of the dead are trapped on Earth and unable to find peace. Gabriel must track down the mysterious Lords of Shadow in order to unite the pieces of a relic called “The God Mask” that can purify the world and has the power to bring the dead back to life. Along Gabriel’s journey gamers will traverse over 50 diverse and beautifully realized 3D stages, come up against over 45 enemies, and defeat huge adversaries in real time with skill, power and timing. In total, the game boasts over 40 possible combo attacks that can be added to Gabriel’s arsenal.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow offers a wide range of puzzles with larger adversaries that require a specific means to exploit weaknesses, or object-related puzzles that will open doors or give access to previously unreachable areas.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow will be available on October 5 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

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