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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Heroes of Stalingrad Name Change – Now Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad

After an amazing week at PAX 2010 we are taking this opportunity to rebrand Heroes of Stalingrad, the game that PC Gamer this week described as “the best thing I saw at PAX.” We got a lot of questions from the press and fans on whether Heroes of Stalingrad was an expansion or a full sequel. So to keep things clear and to let everyone know that the game is indeed a full sequel we are officially changing the name to Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad.

As an added bonus we are releasing a few more screenshots from RO2 for everyone to feast their eyes on – “a generational leap for WWII shooters. It simply has the most impressive systems I’ve seen in an FPS”, according to PC Gamer. 

We’re really excited that all the members of the press see it as one to watch for 2011 - “I haven’t truly been excited about a PC shooter since the days of Doom and Quake, but this one really has me wanting to see and play more” from being a good example. And PC Gamer’s podcast adds “this game is going to be very significant – people should start paying attention to it NOW”, describing the in-game systems they saw as "done in a much more sophisticated way than we've seen before... it's amazing".

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