In the next four weeks, game players will learn how to set up a colony, determine the best and basic trade routes, build ships and maximize the value of the advisors. The first tutorial features a basic guide to getting started with your colonization process of the new world, how to identify an empty colony spot and the details of how to found a colony.
While perfecting your skills with the latest tutorials, attempt to conquer the fifty new achievements. Establish yourself as a leader when you achieve 100% colony morale and become a Gold Digger after successfully importing 1000 tons of gold to home port. Identify yourself as a Colonizer when your colony has reached more than 100,000 colonists and a Collector once you have built every single ship in the game. Claim to be a Master of War when at war with all nations or a Peace Maker after successfully refraining from fighting for twenty years.
Commander: Conquest of the Americas is available for download on all leading digital distribution platforms. For a full list, please go to: