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Monday, August 02, 2010

How to create a Japanese PlayStation Network Account! Loads of Free PSP video game downloads from Japanese publishers

PlayStation Network logo
Many players familiar with Sony's PlayStation Store already will probably have noticed that the downloadable content, including updates, demos and game trailers is fairly sparse. Many great PSP games released in the US or Europe often take a very long time to become localised, if even released outside of Japan. This was always an issue, even years ago with RPGs released on the Super Nintendo or PlayStation 1, however, times have changed, and we can access PlayStation Store content from any of the stores worldwide. To find out how, read on below...

Firstly, follow this link to the PlayStation site to get started:

Now proceed to fill out the sign-up form, referring to the images below should you encounter any unknown text entries or messages.

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中止 - Back

When entering your address details on the next page, feel free to make up a 7 digit code as shown below and using it instead of making up a false address. Once entered and searched, the remaining information is auto-filled, saving a bit of time.

The next page asks if you wish to set up your credit card details to work with the PlayStation Store, however cards from outside of Japan will not work regardless of whether you complete this now or later. The only reliable way of paying for Japanese PlayStation Store credit is by buying a network card from an online store such as Play-Asia:

The next page of the form is to confirm your details. Once you've done this, finish the form and you'll have completed your application for a Japanese PlayStation Network account!

Now for the good part. Once you log on to your account, you'll have access to the PS3/PSP Japanese PlayStation Store, where you can choose to download demos of upcoming titles from a catalogue of almost 100 titles, completely free. Also available are full PSP/PS1 games currently unavailable in any other country, for reasonable prices, as well as free videos to download. Updates for games are typically inexpensive, although to purchase from the shop you need a network card as mentioned above. The store updates often, so there's always something to keep you occupied.
