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Friday, July 30, 2010

Monday Night Combat Assassin video game on X360 - New video trailer

Scared of speed, stealth and cunning? Afraid of light bending around your enemies? Hate the confusion of wondering where your prey went? Not appreciative of blades? Like words? Then Assassin is what you need to watch out for! The Monday Night Combat Assassin is the scalpel in a world of chainsaws. She is the answer to those annoying questions. She is the reason Pros wake up in a cold sweat. She's a ghost, an enigma, the whisper of something sinister coming and she's a chick. This season the Assassin is why you need to watch your back.

You want to avoid being another notch on the Assassin's hilt, right? Remember these things:

1. Her blades are deadly, keep her distance. If she's shooting shurikens at you, keep your distance, watch wall bounces and hope for the best.

2. You can't out run her. So kill her fast!

3. Be observant, watch for the warble and listen for the hum of her cloak. If all else fails, get a tank and light her up!

4. If she smoke bombs you, look to the skies. Better yet, take her down before she has a chance to smoke bomb you then laugh hysterically.

Most of all remember that chicks with swords are deadly. Chicks with swords who eat bacon are just plain scary.