War Rock, GamersFirst’s premier AAA first-person shooter (FPS) title, is setting growth records on the world’s largest social network, Facebook. War Rock has one of the fastest growing Fan Pages on Facebook, shooting to over 10,000 fans (from 500) in less than seven days.
“It was incredible to see the drastic growth on War Rock’s fan page over the past seven days,” says Jon-EnĂ©e Merriex, producer for GamersFirst’s FPS titles. “We anticipated a jump since we decided to offer specialized Facebook-only promotions, but didn’t realize that it would create such a massive impact in such a short amount of time.”
War Rock, a premier AAA title of GamersFirst, is a tactical FPS exploding with intense, fast-paced combat. Armed with the world’s deadliest weapons and controlling the most lethal vehicles, players attack three story-driven, killer game play modes in the air, on the land and over the sea. GamersFirst offers AAA games like War Rock on a Free2Play model. In addition, GamersFirst has an internal social media task force that is driving strategy surrounding social network initiatives; much like the recent boom for the War Rock fan page.
“MMOG’s are social networks themselves,” says Jeremiah Broske, member of the GamersFirst social media task force. “It is important for us to be at the forefront of how gamers communicate so that we can create promotions and interact with them on their level. Social networks have changed the way everyone communicates and it remains important for us to recognize and integrate that into the GamersFirst business model, continuing to put Gamers First.”
Join the 28 million strong Free2Play gamer community, where gamers come first. Join and follow War Rock on its social networking sites, find exclusive promotions, interact with gamers and getting the latest news on War Rock and GamersFirst:
WarRock Community Website – http://www.WarRock.com